
толстый имя прилагательное:
толстый (thick, fat, stout, fleshy, heavy, gross)
густой (thick, dense, bushy, Heavy, viscous, rich)
плотный (dense, tight, thick, solid, close, compact)
жирный (fatty, fat, oily, greasy, thick, rich)
хриплый (hoarse, raucous, husky, breathy, throaty, thick)
тупой (blunt, blunt, stupid, dull, dull, thick)
частый (frequent, common, repeated, dense, thick, hourly)
дремучий (dense, thick)
туманный (fog, foggy, misty, hazy, dim, thick)
низкий (low, lower, poor, deep, short, thick)
мутный (turbid, cloudy, muddy, roily, thick, feculent)
глупый (stupid, silly, foolish, fool, dumb, thick)
неразборчивый (illegible, indiscriminate, promiscuous, unintelligible, unreadable, thick)
изобилующий (abounding, full of, abundant, full, rife, thick)
неясный (obscure, unclear, vague, dim, indistinct, thick)
тусклый (dim, dull, lackluster, faint, fishy, thick)
невнятный (indistinct, inarticulate, inaudible, unarticulated, thick)
близкий (close, near, nearby, intimate, familiar, thick)
повторяющийся (repeating, iterative, recurrent, rolling, reiterative, thick)
неразлучный (inseparable, inseverable, thick, together)
тупоголовый (fatheaded, thick, slow-witted, thick-headed, thick-witted, thick-skulled)
сшитый из толстой ткани (thick)
заполненный (filled, full, thick)
густо (thick, densely, thickly)
плотно (tightly, tight, densely, thick, snug, hermetically)
хрипло (hoarsely, huskily, thickly, gruffly, raucously, thick)
часто (often, frequently, thick, oft, oftentimes, constantly)
обильно (abundantly, profusely, lavishly, amply, freely, thick)
неясно (vaguely, thick, darkly, ambiguously, fuzzily, indefinitely)
заплетающимся языком (thickly, thick)
имя существительное:
пекло (thick, scorching heat, hell-fire)
гуща (thick, ground, sediment)
разгар (heat, climax, thick, depth)
тупица (jerk, dullard, dunce, schmuck, dummy, thick)
чаща (thicket, bush, thick, covert, brake, bosk)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "thick" в других словарях:

  • Thick — (th[i^]k), a. [Compar. {Thicker} ( [ e]r); superl. {Thickest}.] [OE. thicke, AS. [thorn]icce; akin to D. dik, OS. thikki, OHG. dicchi thick, dense, G. dick thick, Icel. [thorn]ykkr, [thorn]j[ o]kkr, and probably to Gael. & Ir. tiugh. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thick — [thik] adj. [ME thikke < OE thicce, thick, dense, akin to Ger dick < IE base * tegu , thick, fat > OIr tiug] 1. having relatively great depth; of considerable extent from one surface or side to the opposite; not thin [a thick board] 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • thick — ► ADJECTIVE 1) with opposite sides or surfaces relatively far apart. 2) (of a garment or fabric) made of heavy material. 3) made up of a large number of things or people close together: thick forest. 4) (thick with) densely filled or covered with …   English terms dictionary

  • thick — thick; thick·en; thick·en·er; thick·et; thick·et·ed; thick·ety; thick·ish; thick·ly; thick·ness; thick·head·ed·ly; thick·head·ed·ness; …   English syllables

  • Thick — Thick, n. 1. The thickest part, or the time when anything is thickest. [1913 Webster] In the thick of the dust and smoke. Knolles. [1913 Webster] 2. A thicket; as, gloomy thicks. [Obs.] Drayton. [1913 Webster] Through the thick they heard one… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thick — [adj1] deep, bulky blubbery, broad, burly, chunky, compact, concrete, consolidated, fat, firm, hard, heavy, high, husky, massive, obese, pudgy, solid, squat, stocky, stubby, stumpy, substantial, thickset, wide; concepts 491,773 Ant. attenuated,… …   New thesaurus

  • Thick — can refer to:* Thick description of human behavior * Thick set, a set of integers * Thick Records, a record label * Thick Physique * A thick , someone lacking in intelligence. Stupid person …   Wikipedia

  • thick — (adj.) O.E. þicce not thin, dense, from P.Gmc. *theku , *thekwia (Cf. O.S. thikki, O.H.G. dicchi, Ger. dick, O.N. þykkr, O.Fris. thikke), from PIE *tegu thick (Cf. Gaelic tiugh). Secondary O.E. sense of close together is preserved in …   Etymology dictionary

  • Thick — (th[i^]k), adv. [AS. [thorn]icce.] 1. Frequently; fast; quick. [1913 Webster] 2. Closely; as, a plat of ground thick sown. [1913 Webster] 3. To a great depth, or to a greater depth than usual; as, land covered thick with manure. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thick´en|er — thick|en «THIHK uhn», transitive verb. to make thick or thicker: »to thicken a wall. Mother thickens the gravy with flour. SYNONYM(S): coagulate, congeal, condense. –v.i. 1. to become thick or thicker: »The pudding will thicken as it cools. The… …   Useful english dictionary

  • thick|en — «THIHK uhn», transitive verb. to make thick or thicker: »to thicken a wall. Mother thickens the gravy with flour. SYNONYM(S): coagulate, congeal, condense. –v.i. 1. to become thick or thicker: »The pudding will thicken as it cools. The weather… …   Useful english dictionary

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